Adventurers Scuba Diving Courses, Kingston Wreck Diving, Underwater Photography

Adventurers Scuba Program

So, you are interested in the world of SCUBA diving, maybe you just finished you first dive course. What do you do now?

Get Wet !

Sign up for scuba lessons! Or practice the skills you learned on your first course. Check for a local dive club, it's a great way to meet new people and find some "dive buddies"

If there are reefs or shipwrecks near by, go on some dive charters. Take an advanced course. Most local dive centers have courses following close after your Openwater 1.

The moral of the story is this, knowledgable, experienced divers not only have the most fun, but they are usually safer divers .

Keep your skills current !

The following is information about courses offered in Kingston Ontario through the Adventurers. If you are interested drop us a line and we will work out the details.

Jr. Diver Openwater Diver Advanced Scuba Diver Master Scuba Diver
Underwater Photography Underwater Video Night Diving Rescue 1 Wreck Diving Dive Master

Available online....Basic Underwater Photography Program

Information Request

Adventurers Dive Log

Photograph by Steve Hogan of Los Angeles. Taken in the Codehole on the Great Barrier Reef